Success Stories

Shiree K. - Audio Success Stories

by Tracey Sofra

Rebecca O. - Audio Success Stories

by Tracey Sofra

Carolyn P. - Audio Success Stories

by Tracey Sofra

Henrike S. - Audio Success Stories

by Tracey Sofra

Stephanie R. - Audio Success Stories

by Tracey Sofra

I decided to undertake the “Financial Confidence” program to further educate myself and learn how to create financial freedom for retirement. By the end of the program, I have come to the realise that you need to know who you are, your financial history and how you value money before anything else.  WOW what a game changer.

Merryn C, Scientist

The “Financial Confidence” program helped me realise that to create any real change we must have an understanding of our status quo and not be afraid to challenge the money scripts we have running in our head.  We need to set ourselves up for the future and the earlier you start the better, time is of the essence.  The most valuable take away from the course was the one-on-one time with Tracey, where she honed in on my personal situation and discussed my next steps.

Kylie M, Yoga Instructor

I have walked away from the “Financial Confidence” program with a clear direction of where I want to be and how I am going to get there. I have a clear plan on how I am going to make financial decisions that serve me and not hold me back.  Must do for all women.

Sharyn M, Solicitor

I believe that the “Financial Confidence” program is the missing ingredient for all business women.  If you need clarity around how to make the most of your business profits or whether you think you know all there is to know, I believe you will walk away with many aha moment that are simply life changing. Thankyou Tracey for creating such an amazing program and showing me how to build my financial confidence, it has changed everything for me and my business.

Karen W, Business Owner

Just needed to say, wow!!  This week I am analyzing and reanalyzing everything and trying to discover my WHY. Something struck a chord with me on Monday evening, and I haven’t stopped thinking since. You have me talking to myself in the car, in the kitchen and still thinking at 2 o’clock in the morning!!! I’m writing lots of notes and quickly re-connecting with why I do what I do. I’m no-where near finished, but I’ve started and that’s exciting!! So, thank you. 

Jodie W, Real Estate Agent

The empowerment of this program was amazing.  By understanding my money values and past (my money stories) I was able to make informed and educated changes to my behaviour which are more in line with my current values and goals.  More than a financial program it has given me an insight to who I am and what I want.  I’ve never been part of a such an open and honest program before, it’s given me the confidence and courage to trust myself and make my own decisions.

Wendy B, Business Owner

Absolutely loved the program, it has changed the way I think about money forever.  I learnt so much about cash flow, saving, superannuation, investment, and estate planning but it wasn’t just the amazing content but the way the information was shared that made it exciting, interesting and always applicable to our situations.  I learnt that it was possible for me to create an amazing financial future for myself and my family.

Rebecca R, Farmer  

The “Financial Confidence” program have changed my perspective forever on myself and my money.  Did I have an aha moment …? Not sure there was one moment for me as there were so many with each session built on the previous, developing our awareness of the concepts before. I am now present in my financial life and have the courage to challenge the status quo. It was so nice to be “Normal” whatever that means, we are all so much more alike than we ever realize.  The group environment was so comforting and supportive just loved being part of the group.

Beryl O, Nurse

The “Financial Confidence” program has shown me that I can understand financial concepts and apply them to create a stronger and happier financial future. This is a great starting point for my learning as I enter the family business and hope to be an asset with all aspects of business.

Janine N, Food Technologist  

The “Financial Confidence” program was invaluable for me. I have shared this information and applied learnings to all aspects of my family’s financial processes. I faced some scary truths and embraced the honesty needed to be the best version of me.  The first ever complete and well-rounded program I have ever done.  In one word, amazing!!

Jacqui S, Administration

What a safe and empowering environment to develop and learn.  Simply loved the “Financial Confidence” program it would a game changer!! Finally worked out my “stuff” to be able to move forward.  Thankyou Tracey not only for sharing your knowledge and experience but your heart as well. This is genuinely one of the most worthwhile programs I have been a part of, well worth the time and money spent on myself.

Bec G, Marketing

I thoroughly enjoyed Tracey’s “Financial Confidence” Program! I thought I knew who I was and thought I had a pretty good financial background but I learnt so much more from Tracey’s expertise and Financial Knowledge! So now I’m going to put it all into place to get the financial freedom I’ve always wanted. Thanks again Tracey

Alicia M, Operations Manager 

I had been aware for some time that I needed to know more in order for me to plan well for my retirement. Although I had been seeing a financial planner for a number of years, I had felt that there were gaps in my knowledge, and my planner was not filling them in.   When I heard about the “Financial Confidence” program, I thought it was worth investigating. The program was informative, educational, at times challenging and most importantly useful but most of all fun.  It helped me to establish where I was positioned and where I wanted to be – and provided me with the confidence and clarity I had been missing, now I finally know how to get there.

Michelle W, Solicitor

I would recommend the “Financial Confidence” program to all women of all ages, as the sooner you start to plan the better positioned you will be in the future.  I wish this had been available 20 years ago! Thank you, Tracey.

Jess U, Accountant

Tracey is the first financial advisor I have found that considered my complete financial position. She was focused on understanding who I was and what I wanted to find the right financial solution for my current situation.  The growth on our portfolio has been balanced and consistent with an average return of 9.35%.  We have built a great relationship over the years and I really would not have achieved any of it without Tracey.

Wendy W, Teacher

Tracey has become an integral part of our financial journey now and into our future, we trust her implicitly and value her advice immensely. She is exceptionally good at her job and we are lucky to have found Tracey as she is real, genuine and at the forefront of her field in offering truly independent advice that meets our financial needs.

Lynette L, Business Owner

I count myself to be very lucky as a client of Tracey Sofra.  She has guided me into a financially secure position in preparation for my retirement. I am now in my early sixties and Tracey has helped me understand the importance of mindful investing and making financial decisions that have helped to secure my financial future.  She has helped me ensure that my money is invested wisely and is working hard for my future.

Julie M

Making the decision to progress forward with Tracey’s program at a time when I was so confused and crippled with fear wasn’t easy but it was absolutely life changing, I have never looked back. Tracey’s invaluable advice has been empowering and profound on so many levels.

Tia M

Tracey has managed my retirement income for the past 16 years; we have lived through the GFC and the pandemic, two of the biggest financial challenges in the last 100 odd years. Tracey has not only allowed me to live comfortably in my retirement by managing my nest egg with her diversified approach but she has managed to grow my nest egg over those
years. My portfolio has achieved a 13.09% return to date and I sleep well at night knowing I
am taken care of, I simply couldn’t have done it without Tracey’s guidance, expertise and care.

Jan W, Retiree

We have been with Tracey Sofra now for 12 years. Tracey and her team are warm and welcoming so the service we receive feels very personal. Tracey has helped us to focus on what we want out of life and is helping us realise our plans. Our investments and
superannuation portfolio are growing year on year with an approximate return of over
11.7%. The peace of mind we have from knowing our finances are being so well managed is priceless.

Graeme & Amp; Sharon C, Administration Officer & Amp; Nurse

Like most women, I have spent the majority of my life looking after my family and paid little
or no attention to my own finances. Then I was referred to see Tracey, she has developed a
personal plan for me that allows me to take much greater control of my financial affairs, and plan for the future. My super is now invested in a way I understand and has been growing at a rate of 8.96% over the last 5 years. Everything now makes more sense and I only wish I had got in touch with Tracey sooner.

Linda R, Corrections Officer

Tracey is the first financial planner that I have fully trusted. She takes into account our whole financial situation and her advice is holistic. She has built a structured and achievable plan which is focused on ensuring that our plan and decisions support our life goals.  Thank you, Tracey for being there for us. 

Merryn R, Project Manager

Tracey is amazing in her approach not only is she very knowledgeable and competent she cares about our personal situation. The scenarios that Tracey has provided us following extensive discussions regarding our lifestyle and goals have proved invaluable. Our nest egg has achieved consistent returns over the last 15 years of 12.56%.  I would highly recommend engaging Tracey for independent financial services.

Christine P, Administration Assistant

We couldn’t be happier with the advice we have received from Tracey. She is honest in her assessment and made us feel secure at this stage of our lives. I have a much higher level of confidence with my financial plan working with Tracey than I ever did with my previous advisers, our portfolio has grown by 10.5% over the last 3 years.  I couldn’t recommend Tracey highly enough.

Narelle C, Administration

Tracey took the time to consider what was most important to us with regard to our financial goals and developed a plan which she customised to our lifestyle.  She is very thorough and she helped us get a clearer picture of where we can expect to be at various stages of our lives.

Angela C, Nurse

Finding someone I could trust was a big thing for me which is why I sought independent advice.  I appreciated the fact that I didn’t have anything thrust down my throat, that it was all plain talk that I could understand and believe. Thank you, Tracey, for restoring my faith.

Maxine H, Business Owner

Tracey is great to work with. She listens and understands my situation and any issues I may have and she is very helpful. She has high standards and is a professional that I trust. I would recommend Tracey to anyone that needs a trustworthy and professional financial planner.

June L, Retiree

We no longer stress or are anxious about money.  We’ve been working with Tracey for a while now and compared to where we were, to where we are now, it’s a totally different story.  Tracey has helped develop a financial plan tailored to our goals. She took time to understand our needs, and what was important to us rather than providing a generic plan. The independent nature of the advice given means that we are confident the products recommended are right for us.   Our retirement nest egg has provided us with over 12% return to date.  Tracey has also taken time to explain the pros and cons of various approaches to us, and provided detailed information when required. We are very happy with Tracey’s services.

Mandy M, Occupational Therapist

After receiving an inheritance from my father, I spent quite a bit of time researching financial advisers as well as investment options. Tracey was the 3rd adviser that I met with and I finally felt that I had found someone who was going to help me to figure out how to best invest our money in a way that would not only honour my father but also help my family have greater financial security.  Tracey has achieved just that, our portfolio has been through the GFC and the pandemic and has grown substantially through it all with over 11.5% return, we couldn’t be happier and more secure in our financial position.

Melissa C, Finance Broker

And here is my little back story ..

I joined this program with a broken heart and shattered confidence, and what you say about when you take control of your finances, it translates into other areas of your life, I am really experiencing this now.


After a 27 yr beautiful marriage where we were always a united team (until he changed his mind and left me floundering), I’m now starting to feel like I can stand tall on my own and actually start looking forward to the future with confidence.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and compassion Tracey and empowering women like me who really need that female focussed nurturing.

You are making a difference 

Opal P.

I’ve just realised how the 3 wealth mindset slides ring true for ALL resources. Time and Energy especially.
Giving to yourself first is the cornerstone of all self care, but those raised with the ‘other’s first’ middle class mindset feel uncomfortable prioritizing their truths, beliefs, ideas, time and energy….. and also money.For me, seeing ‘money’ as a just another equally important resource (like energy and time) has integrated, consolidated, and simplified my values across all the board. Instantly, boundaries are not the agony of overthinking and double guessing that I have always found them to be.It’s fascinating to join more dots on the relationship between our sense of worth and our personal fiscal habits. (and it’s inversion.… Some of the ‘richest’ people I know have the most ‘poor’ mindest.)

Renee B.

I have started investing with Stockspot and am totally satisfied with the app. I followed the instructions step by step to suit my needs and risk profile.

I feel so relaxed about my investing decisions now & have been able to make some great improvements with confidence.

Now when I read articles about finance and investing, I have more of an understanding and sometimes even deeply understand!!  Which I felt so surprised about but it truly shows me how much I have learnt from the program and how much I have benefited.

Just wanted to give thanks to Tracey, yourself and  the whole team that have been so supportive. The Empower Program has really helped me in so many ways!!

Parichat T.

I wish I had met you years ago Tracey 🙂 Learnt so much in such a short time in the program. If  only you could have a financial education program in schools.$

Rose M.

“I’ve learned a few little tricks and I’ve actually implemented some things that you’ve taught us… and I think that I’m on my way to creating some wealth for me and my family. I think the biggest thing was I know I’ve got two – I have to go and create a will and the second one was to pay myself first.”

“The takeaway messages from me is… changing my money mindset instead of feeling like I’m not deserving or feeling sort of living – I’ve lived this frugal lifestyle to step into a sense of deserving, yeah!

“The keynote takeaway from this program was something about the insurance and also I really enjoyed a couple of months back which is that superannuation which is a lot I didn’t know about.